Pre-School (Balwadi)

Purpose: The purpose of Balwadi is to provide free basic elementary education for the children belonging to poor and weaker section of the society. Many children belonging to this weaker section of the society have been benefited by this project. We believe that if the children’s lives are secured and developed then the future of our nation is secure and we can expect development.
There were 3 languages English, Hindi and Marathi that were taught along with these 3 languages there were 6 subjects and extracurricular activities such as Mathematics, Drawing, Art, Storytelling, Poems, Singing and PT classes.
We also conducted Quarterly, Midterm and Annual exams in order to check the students IQ, progress and development. After the examination each students received their report card stating their marks and performance in that particular examination.
Time to time we keep parents and teachers meeting where the teachers discuss about the child’s growth and performance in the class. The students who excelled in the studies and other extracurricular activities were given prizes and appreciation.
Teachers visited the homes of the students who were not attending the classes or were not able to attend and spoke to their parents about their absence and encouraged them about the importance of education for the development of their children how in turn their child would be a model citizen of India.
We also gave them snacks and eatables on regular basis. We also conducted cultural programmes where students got to participate in different activities like dance, singing and skits which kept them involved and active. We also celebrated the Republic Day on January 26 as well as Independence Day on August 15. During these 2 auspicious events we kept special programmes and distributed flags as well as sweets and shared the importance of us being a independent nation.
Balwadi at Sainagar:
Balwadi at Shivangaon:
Balwadi at Yerrangaon: